What is an Individual Retirement Account (IRA)?

Investor Economic and Financial Education

An Individual Retirement Account (IRA) is a retirement savings plan that allows assets to grow tax deferred. Contrary to popular belief, all US citizens with income over $3,000 are eligible to contribute to an IRA. Certain individuals who are not eligible for other retirement plans may receive an income tax deduction for their contribution. Overall IRAs offer tax deferred growth: with the uncertain future of Social Security extra retirement saving makes sense.

Types of IRA Accounts include: SEP IRA, Roth IRA , Traditional IRA, and Rollover IRA

Learn about an Atlantic Financial IRA Account

If you do not have a current retirement plan or you are looking to have more options and would like to open a new Individual Retirement Account (IRA) we would be happy to assist you.

Atlantic Financial's IRA accounts have a wide selection of investment options including stocks, bonds and over 18,000 mutual fund choices.

How to Open an Individual Retirement Account (IRA)

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Norwell, MA 02061