Diversification Helps Many Stay Ahead of Game -
Bruce Fenton quoted by The Wall Street Journal

Bruce Fenton speaks with NPR Radio about
Environmentally Friendly Corporations

Money Saving Strategies for Dating Singles - Dow Jones News

Bruce Fenton speaks with
CBS MarketWatch about politics in the workplace

Bruce Fenton speaks with the
Los Angeles Times about the Economy and Outsourcing, August 2004

Bruce Fenton speaks with
Money Management Executive Magazine about mutual funds and fiduciaries,
August 2004

Bruce Fenton speaks with
StateNet Capitol Journal about Students and Credit. June 2005 |
Bruce Fenton speaks to
The Patriot Ledger about Investing, the Internet, and
Out-Sourcing. September 2005

Bruce Fenton speaks about the benefits and drawbacks municipal,
corporate and government bonds with
American Medical News July 2004

Bruce Fenton Speaks about Politics in the
Workplace with the
Christian Science Monitor July 2004

Bruce Fenton speaks with
Registered Rep Magazine about serving small business clients, 2004

Bruce Fenton speaks with the
Worcester Telegram and Gazette about EMC, August 2004

Bruce Fenton quoted regarding benefits of financial advice by
The Washington Post July 4, 2004

The National Law Journal interviews Bruce Fenton about Attorney

IPOs: Bruce Fenton speaks with
PR Week Magazine about the market for IPOs

Bruce Fenton quoted in
Investor's Business Daily regarding strategies for business owners

Dude, Where's My Job? - Hi Magazine article about outsourcing
NASD - Registered Attorneys Discover Added Service and Increased
Revenues -
Massachusetts Lawyers Weekly

Bruce Fenton on
Bloomberg regarding Martha Stewart

Bruce Fenton featured in
Fortune Small Business, FSB regarding retirement plans - Rich and
Retired: Don't count on your business. Come up with a plan now to fund
your financial future.

Help your Clients Comply with ERISA -
Massachusetts Lawyers Journal
Dealing with Moonlighting Reps - Bruce Fenton speaks with Sales &
Marketing Management Magazine

Socially responsible funds grow in popularity - Bruce Fenton, president
Atlantic Financial Inc. talks about Socially Responsible Investing.
September 2005 |
Bruce Fenton says that companies should consider a pension plan -
Air Conditioning, Heating & Refrigeration News
Bruce Fenton of Atlantic Financial weighs in on self directed
retirement plans for
Strategic Finance Magazine
Atlantic Financial and Bruce Fenton featured in
Web Finance Magazine article
The Practicing Lawyer -
Mass Law Journal
Take a Year End Health Check article by Bruce Fenton for
Dynamic Business Magazine, Dec 2000
Article by Bruce Fenton
Attracting and Retaining Quality Employees through a 401k Retirement
Bruce Fenton quotes in
Broward Daily Business Review regarding lawyers serving as investment
Press release:
Massachusetts Law Firm becomes Licensed to Sell Securities
Dewey Press Release:
Bowditch and Dewey, LLP Launches B&D Advisors To Provide Independent
Financial and Investment Advice and To Manage Investments
comments on Enron and Janus for
Investor's Business Daily
Bruce Fenton
The San Diego Union-Tribune Wealth commentary dot com millionaires
"The Wellesley Wonderkind" Article about Bruce Fenton in
Research Magazine (pdf only)
Bruce Fenton speaks to
Orange County Register about dot-com millionaires
Bruce Fenton and Atlantic Financial featured in
Wall Street Journal Europe regarding Japanese expansion
Practical Welding Magazine: most for your money: 12 financial tips for
welding professionals
article by Bruce Fenton
The Asian Wall Street Journal: Bruce Fenton and Atlantic Japan
The Florida Times-Union regarding dot com millionaires
The Metro West Daily News : Bruce Fenton moves Atlantic Financial to
Op ed by Bruce Fenton
The Drugging of America
Op ed by Bruce Fenton
Then they came for the Secretary of the Treasury
Op ed by Bruce Fenton
Review of Alan Dershowitz's Why Terrorism Works
Op ed by Bruce Fenton
Boston Herald: Bruce Fenton's Letter to the Editor about Howard
Op ed / Observation by Bruce Fenton :
Massachusetts Residents Named as Finalists in anti-Bush ad contest
Press release: Bruce Fenton and Atlantic Financial 1997
Press Release: DTN and Atlantic Financial